# What is Requiem Engine?

All information about Requiem Engine and its Lua Engine.

# Terms of Service

After using any of W1TCH's services or products, including, but not limited to W1TCH's website (https://w1tch.net/) and W1TCH's official reseller's services including their websites, you agree to the following terms:

  1. You may not unofficially resell W1TCH keys or W1TCH accounts.
  2. You may not share your W1TCH account credentials with anyone.
  3. You may not open a dispute or try to chargeback your purchase of any W1TCH products.
  4. You must be able to prove your valid and official ownership over your W1TCH license key(s) or W1TCH account at any moment.
  5. You may not make use of a W1TCH account or key(s) that have unofficially been sold by an unauthorized reseller.
  6. W1TCH's products are sold "as is". This means that W1TCH can not be held accountable for what ever happens to your Rockstar account.
  7. W1TCH does not offer refunds in any case.
  8. W1TCH always reserves the right to refuse or cancel service to any individual if seems fit as reaction to user actions.
  9. W1TCH always reserves the right to make exceptions for any of these terms to any individual at any moment.
  10. W1TCH always reserves the right to change their Terms of Service at any given time without notice.

Breaking or conspiring to break any of these terms will result in your W1TCH account being terminated without chance to appeal.

# Special Thanks

  • k1tty, for her awesome documentation for D2Lua.
  • topIon, for helping me with some networking questions.
  • DurtyFree, for an expanded source of information about game content (https://forge.plebmasters.de/)
  • Antrix, special thanks to the fact that after so many years of working on the menu and many problems, the w1tch project has not closed and continues to develop. Although this has nothing to do with documentation, if it weren’t for him, he wouldn’t exist.